
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Awaken Your Quantum Consciousness

There continue to be reports of elephants being killed.  Recently I read more accounts from the BBC.  Additionally the BBC reports today that more than half of the common plant species and a third of animals could see a serious decline in their habitat range because of climate change.  New research suggests that biodiversity around the world will be significantly impacted if temperatures rise more than 2C. Nature Climate Change recently published a paper on the subject.  The report goes on to say that if greenhouse gasses are cut rapidly then the impact on biodiversity could be significantly curbed.  

Elephant killings, habitat loss, globing warming...Our human impact is immense.  We are impacting our environment in a way that is creating decline outside the normal laws of entropy.   But we also can have impact in the direction towards positive change.   We can exponentially change things if we learn how to  engage at the quantum level of life and direct our energies out into the world from a balanced center of self.

A physicist once told me that without the quantum, nothing else would exist.   If we focus on our quantum selves through our meditations, prayers, and centering practices and then take action in sustainable directions we can and will create the world in which we wish to live.  That is a promise.  We are the promise we have been waiting for.

Living life awake and aware of the quantum world and making the choice for altruistic outcome will exponentially change life on earth.  Begin with yourself.  Wake up to yourself and awaken your quantum consciousness.

Play with matrices #10, #17, #30, #14, #11, #25, #33

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