
Monday, May 6, 2013

Does Life Get Any Easier as You Progress on the Spiritual Path - Conscious Response

Recently I was asked the question about whether or not traveling the spiritual path of  life becomes easier the farther we progress in the journey.  This is a commonly asked question because we want things to be easy.  But easy is a human fabrication, and not a question of concern to the spirit.  

There are many reasons people turn to the path of spiritual growth. Many do so because life is not easy or something was falling apart or was not working as well as we would wish.  Problems are actually stepping stones into a bigger "us."   The inner nudging from our soul sometimes turn into a crash that takes us to the bottom of the barrel before we are willing to listen.  Something has to get our attention.

I wouldn't say that the activities in life become easier necessarily, but I would say that what does become easier is the ability to be consistently grounded in our spiritual center.   External circumstances do not have the same effect, and we see things through a different lens.  Not a lens of indifference, but a lens solidly grounded in the trust or the knowing of a bigger picture.

A grounded center of being conflicts with our creating trauma drama, therefore the superfluous constructs of these activities do diminish as one grows spiritually.  A peaceful co-existence with self is established and is reflected out into the world around us.  Peace feels quiet and humans tend to interchange the words "peace" and "boredom." 

The human psyche isn't accustomed to peace as a way of being and will try over and over again to create drama as the greater self gravitates to peace.  It is important to remain vigilant about not falling prey to what the ego tries to construct.  We must constantly choose to align not with the mechanistic actions of ego, but with the energetics of a more favorable choice.  

We are not immune from the day-to-day business of paying the bills, facing challenging health crises, sitting next to a troubled friend, etc. but it is possible to live in a state of equanimity and balance when responding to daily life occurrences.  In fact, the responsibility (RESPONSE ABILITY) to do so becomes greater.  As we become more consciously awake and grounded in our divine self, our capacity for clarity increases and we become aware of other's misconstructions.  No longer do we have the luxury of the slippery slope of judgement.  Rather we must live in "conscious response."

To the buddhist the ability for conscious response is grounded in  "detachment" with "compassion."  To the Christian it is grounded in "love." To the Lakota Sioux it is grounded in "the wisdom of wakan tanka."   To the Sufi it is grounded in "purity and adaptability."  To the Kabbalist is is grounded in the tree of life."  And on it goes.

To me conscious response is heaven on earth, and if the plan is to spiritually progress to the greatest extent of our human capacity we must forget the lofty new-age notion of "enlightenment" and aim towards "en-earthenment," or being the best we can be while on earth.  

Kindness goes along way towards this.

Play with Matrix #20.

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